今日 Today
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ヨルダン2アップデート Jordan II Update
ヨルダンから写真が届きました!この画像は10人のお子さんがいる家族の写真です。編み物のプレゼントをもらう瞬間のフォトです! So excited to receive photos from Jordan this week! Here are just a few that we have received so far. These photos are from one of the families who have ten children. The photos are of their faces as they received their knitted gifts!
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4414,4410,4411,4412,4413,4409,4415,4416"]
Oh Okinawa!
やはり沖縄は素晴らしいところです!とても良い時間を過ごせました! We had a wonderful time in Okinawa! What a beautiful place!
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4405,4401,4402,4403,4406"]
いつも綺麗でオリジナル Beautiful and Original
水曜日のクラスはいつも綺麗でオリジナルな作品を作ります!今日できた品物です!Wednesday class always produces beautiful and original pieces! Here are a few from today! [gallery type="rectangular" ids="4394,4396,4395,4397"]
火曜日はいつも創造豊かな日です!Tuesday – always a day full of creative activity!
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4381,4382,4384,4387,4388,4383,4385,4386,4389,4391"]
ブランケット配達 Blanket Delivery
今日は近所の老人ホームに60枚のブランケットを配達しました!このブランケット暖かさでいっぱいです。鮮やかなカラーは視力と脳を刺激する事に役立つでしょう! It was a great day delivering 60 blankets to the local elderly home in Shichigahama! Not only will these lap blankets bring warmth physically but also emotionally. Their colors are also great for eye stimulation and mental activity!
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4368,4371,4372,4373,4370,4375,4374,4376,4377,4369"]
火曜日 Tuesday.
Tuesday - a day full of creativity, support, laughter and love.
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Hope & Recovery
1年前に起きた台風ハイアンで被災された方々を覚えます。去年5月にレイテに行って支援することができて感謝しています。被害が多くても希望の光も見る事が出来ました。協力することができましたセンターフォーチェンジの働きをご覧下さい。 Thinking of those who suffered in the Typhoon Heiyan 1 year ago (Nov 8). It was such a privilege to be able to visit Leyte last May and give a little back. Although there was great destruction, new hope and reconstruction have emerged. Check out Center for Change Facebook Page and see the amazing things that they are now doing.
かぎ針ネックレス Crocheted Necklaces
金曜日のクラスはかぎ針ネックレスでいっぱい!Friday's class was adorned with crocheted necklaces!
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