How was life affected by March 11, 2011: Mrs. Aikawa lives with her daughter and family on a lot with two houses in Hanabuchihama, a minutes’ walk from the beach. On March 11, 2011, she was in her house with her daughter when the great earthquake happened. Tsunami sirens began to alert everyone of an impeding 6-10 meter tsunami, At first Mrs. Aikawa did not believe that a tsunami would come and refused to move from the front house to the back house. But then they started to see the water rising to such a great level that they did not think that even the back house would survive so between the first and second tsunami they ran to a nearby neighbours lot which is on higher ground.
First started coming to Yarn Alive: July 2011
Favorite color to work with: Brown
Favorite project: Flowers!
What she enjoys most about Yarn Alive: Meeting her friends and talking with one another