今週のプロフィ—ル Profile of the Week

先生ナンバー2として知られているはさぬまえいこさんをご紹介しましょう。彼女の冗談はいつもなかまを笑わせ元気づけてくれます。花渕浜の自宅は幸い津波に流されず、家を失った近所の人々の避難所になりました。彼女はヤーンアライブが2011年夏に始まったその時からクラスにずっと来て、友人たちとの交流を楽しんでいます。赤色が好きで、スカーフやたわしを編むのがすきです。 Let us introduce you to Eiko Hasanuma, also known as Sensei (Teacher) #2.  She is the joker of the group and we love her for that! She is from Hanabuchihama where her house was not washed away by the tsunami but it did become a refuge for her neighbors who were affected.  She started coming to Yarn Alive at the very beginning of the summer in 2011. She loves coming to Yarn Alive and catching up with friends.  Her favorite color is red and she loves to make scarves and tawashi (she is also very good at making small purses!)