
毛糸配布タイム!ここ2年間、配布の時はいつもにぎやかでした! Yarn Distribution time! Week after week for the past 2 years, yarn distribution has always been a crazy time!


Next week, Yarn Alive will be celebrating its 2 year anniversary. It is amazing how such a simple idea has become something that has impacted so many lives.  Over these 2 years, many of you have sent beautiful words of encouragement, amazing stashes of gorgeous yarn and supplies and generous monetary contributions.  We could not have done this without you!

ですから、2周年記念パーティーとしてクラスの女性方だけでなく支援者の皆様を祝うスライドショーを持ちたいと思っています。これまでにヤーンアライブにいらした方で写真をクラスの方と撮った人 はどうぞyarnalive@gmail.comに送って下さい。(添付ファイルは大きければ大きいほど良いです!)メッセージを送りたい方も一緒にメールくだされば、プレゼンテーションに含めます。

So, as part of our anniversary parties (for both Tuesday and Wednesday class), we want to show a slideshow that not only honors the ladies in class but also YOU! If you have visited any of the Yarn Alive classes over the past 2 years and have pictures taken of yourself with any of the ladies, please email yarnalive@gmail.com and attach the photo (the bigger the size of the photo, the better!). If you would like to send a message, please also send it via the above email address and we will add this into the presentation.


At the end, we will give each of the ladies a copy of the presentation. We will also try to make it available online for you too because you have been an important part of this amazing journey!