Hello everyone! Are you enjoying the autumn breeze? We are finally feeling the cool air after the humid hot summer.
Yarn Alive sent 40kg of knitted hats to Baguio and Benguet, Philippines this summer through a volunteer mission team from Sano!
この夏フィリピンのバギオとベンゲット州に40kg分の毛糸の帽子をお届けすることができました 感謝のご報告です!8月1日から10日までボランティアに出かけたミッションチームの皆さんにたくさんの帽子を託し現地の方々にお届けいただきました。本当にありがとうございました!
Children at the Elementary school in the mountains received our hats too! Weather there seems much cooler than other locations. 高地に住む子どもたちにもお届けいただきました。山手は気温が低く夏でも長袖を来ています。
We are planning on sending them blankets in October 2023. This time we are shipping 2 boxes to them and 2 more to another town! If you are interested in helping us to get our blankets to them by giving towards shipping cost, please let us know by email or visit our donation page on our web and find out more!