Jordan Christmas Project II

ナオミさん Naomi


It was lovely to have Naomi join us today in class! She was instrumental in helping us with our donations for the Syrian Refugees in Jordan! It was great to hear first hand the impact that Yarn Alive had with the families in Jordan. 

彼女は今日の素晴らしいモデルになってくれましたよ!She was a great model today too! 

ヨルダンのクリスマス・プロジェクト2 Jordan Christmas Project II

ヨルダンのシリア難民クリスマス・プロジェクト2の準備中です。今日のクラスにそのための素敵なスカーフとニット帽がたくさん出来上がりました。ビーズやお花のモチーフも入っている作品もあります。難民のお子さん達に笑顔をもたらすことが出来ますように願います。 We are getting more and more excited about our Syrian Refugees in Jordan Christmas Project II. So many beautiful scarves and hats came in with today's class. Some even went the extra mile to add special details like flowers and beads. We hope these items will bring a smile to the refugee children in Jordan. Here's a sneak preview!

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4155,4149,4156,4150,4157,4151,4158,4159,4152,4164,4165,4153,4160,4161,4154,4166,4167,4162,4163"]

プレビューは写真でご覧下さい!Check out last year's story on the Jordan Project: