With all the buttons in our collection, we felt it was time for some kind of organization so that the ladies could easily find what they were looking for. We needed something that was portable and could carry a lot of buttons!
After a little research on the internet, the best button organization we could find was from this blog.
このアイデアに加えて、同色同形のボタンを入れるために、名刺ホールダーに使われている プラスチックのシートを貼り付け、和紙のテープで各ボタン小袋を取り出しの開け閉めができるようにしました。
Inspired by this idea, we hunted for plastic sheets that had slips to hold multiple buttons. The best thing we could find was plastic sheets for business cards. These slots allowed buttons to be easily divided into color and style. Yes, that took hours...
Washi tape was then used to hold the buttons into place. Washi tape seemed to be the best option as it can be easily peeled back to remove any buttons from the plastic slips and then placed back onto the plastic and still stick well.
次に、沢山ののプラスチックシートをまとめるこのフォルダー を見つけました。A3サイズのフォルダーが欲しかったのですが残念ながらありませんでした。でも、このフォルダーもハンドル付きで持ち運びが簡単にできるので満足!
The next step was to find a folder big enough to hold the plastic sheets. We came across this filing folder. It is a 2 ring binder that has a clip. The clip clicks out and the plastic sheets fit nicely into the slots. A 3 ring binder would be preferred for more stability but we could not find any. But this folder seems to do the trick of holding all the plastic sheets and making it extremely portable with that handle!
メンバーたちも大喜び。今までのように編んでいる作品に合うような、欲しいボタンを探すのに手こずることがなくなったのですから。 フォルダーをめくって見ているだけでもとても綺麗!
The ladies loved this new idea! No more trying to scrummage around multiple plastic containers containing hundreds of different colors and sizes (especially when you cannot find a matching size!) Not only does it work well but it looks great with all the color!
For now, this has been our best solution. What kind of button storage or organization do you use?