
ヨルダンのクリスマス・プロジェクト2 Jordan Christmas Project II

ヨルダンのシリア難民クリスマス・プロジェクト2の準備中です。今日のクラスにそのための素敵なスカーフとニット帽がたくさん出来上がりました。ビーズやお花のモチーフも入っている作品もあります。難民のお子さん達に笑顔をもたらすことが出来ますように願います。 We are getting more and more excited about our Syrian Refugees in Jordan Christmas Project II. So many beautiful scarves and hats came in with today's class. Some even went the extra mile to add special details like flowers and beads. We hope these items will bring a smile to the refugee children in Jordan. Here's a sneak preview!

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4155,4149,4156,4150,4157,4151,4158,4159,4152,4164,4165,4153,4160,4161,4154,4166,4167,4162,4163"]

プレビューは写真でご覧下さい!Check out last year's story on the Jordan Project:http://yarnalive.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/jordanupdate/

思わず『ワォー』と言いたくなるベスト Vests that will make you go "Wow"!

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4127,4128,4129,4130,4131,4132,4133,4134"] ベストの時間!私たちのあるパートナーの母による作品です。震災後にかぎ針をはじめました。素敵ですよね?

Time to show off some stunning vests! These were made by one of our partner's mothers. She started to crochet after the 2011 Japan Earthquake. Aren't they amazing?



名刺 Business Cards

Have you seen our business cards? There are 6 designs. This particular design has a picture of the blanket that Onosan made. She likes this business card. Which one is your favorite?

Just another day at...Yarn Alive!

今日のヤーンアライブは盛りだくさんでした!最後にお会いしたのが夏休み前だったので、皆さんに再会できたこと、皆さんの作品が見れた事が楽しかったです。 It was a big day today at Yarn Alive!  With the summer holiday, it's been awhile since we've all seen each other! So there was a lot of excitement to see one another and the beautiful new items that have been created over the past month.

また、来週はお休みなので少し早めに敬老の日をパーティーで祝いました!そして、先月NHK BS Premiumで放送されたクラスの様子をdvdで観ました!

We then celebrated "Respect the Elderly" Day. This is a holiday that takes place next week but as we will not be together next week, we thought it was a good excuse for a party today!  With our mouths full of yummy food, we then watched the NHK BS Premium which Yarn Alive featured in last month.  It was great to see our faces on the screen!

最後に東北放送ラジオの『ロジャー大葉のラジオな気分』http://www.tbc-sendai.co.jp/02radio/rkibun/ がメンバーの何人かをインタビューしました。そしてインタビューして下さった方にフラワーピンをあげました。

Later in the afternoon, Tohoku Broadcasting Company came and interviewed some of the Yarn Alive ladies. There was lots of laughter and "oohing" over some of items that they created and the flower pins that we gave them.

楽しかったです!It's good to be back!

Baby Delivery...

赤ちゃんをご出産なさる女性から特別注文を受けて編んだブランケットを今日女の子を無事ご出産なさったと聞き、喜んでお届け出来ました。 もし特別注文をご希望の方がいらっしゃいましたらメールをお送り下さい。

Yesterday a special lady gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We're so excited to deliver this baby blanket that she custom ordered!

Would you like to make a custom order? Send us an email with your request and we'll see what we can do!