This week Yarn Alive has enjoyed celebrating Christmas and giving thanks for all that we have experienced this year.
Teddy shared about Jordan and the wonderful impact that the ladies made there. Photos from Jordan were passed around. More stories and photos to come next week!
メンバー一人一人に星の形の短冊にことばを書いてもらいました。 中には、ヤーンアライブで新しい友達ができたこと、再び人が信じられるようになったこと、夫の癌がようやく克服できたことなどが書かれていました。そして、短冊をクリスマスツリーに飾って皆でメッセージを分かち合いました。
One thing we thought to do this year was to give each lady a star to place on the Christmas Tree. Before placing the star on the tree, they each wrote something that they were thankful for and then shared it with the group. Some talked about how they were thankful for the new friends they were able to make through Yarn Alive. Fighting back tears, one lady shared that she was thankful that she could begin to trust people again. Another gave thanks for the good news she received yesterday about her husband being given the all clear from having battled cancer over the past number of years. It was a very special moment that we could share together!
As a whole, Yarn Alive is so thankful for all the amazing support that we have received within Japan and all over the world. We are so thankful for YOU. Because of you, we have had an amazing year full of YARN, creation and joy.