It was so wonderful to have 3 of our classes join together for the first time and welcome our special guest, Michiyosan!
We are so grateful for Michiyosan traveling all the way to Shichigahama to visit us. Our good friend, Shimohirosan was able to travel up here to be with us today as well! We are so thankful for these 2 ladies and all their support over the years!

Today we were able to also celebrate our Hat Project to Mozambique. We laughed and clapped as we watched the photos of everyone making hats and then seeing the kids in Mozambique actually wearing them! It was also great to hear the written report from Ayako Lawrence, our correspondent who delivered the hats. She is currently in Nepal delivering more hats for us!

What would a Yarn Alive class be without a little fashion show! The ladies modelled some of their latest creations.
ミチヨさんの素晴らしい本の中からの1パターンを編んで、それを着てきた相川さん。Aikawasan was actually wearing a pattern that she made from Michiyo's amazing book.

マユミさんも同じくミチヨさんの本からのパターンを着て参加しました。皆さんはこの美しいパターンを見て喜んでいました。Mayumisan also brought along a sweater that she made from Michiyo's book. Everyone was keen to check out such beautiful patterns!

It really was a great day to come together and celebrate life, friendships, and knitting and crocheting. And we are so thankful for YOU, our readers and supporters!!! May you have a wonderful day!
Michiyoさんの素晴らしいブログはこちらへ!またわたしたちの書籍ページで彼女の本を紹介しています。Please be sure to visit Michiyo's Blog and see all her amazing creations! You can also visit our Books page on our website and find one of her books listed.