christmas project

クリスマス・プロジェクト Christmas Project 

2013年クリスマス のプロジェクトを発表いたします。ヤーンアライブは、この2年間皆様からいただいたご支援とご厚意を今度は私たちのできる限り支援を必要としている方々に対して行いたいと願っています。

We are so excited to announce our Christmas Project for 2013! One of Yarn Alive’s core values is to give as freely as we have received. We have been so blessed over the past 2 years by hundreds of supporters and generous donations so now it's our opportunity to give "as freely to those" who are also in need.

 昨年、「気仙沼母の家 」との交流を持つことができました。子供達やそこで働いている人々がヤーンアライブの作品を使ってくださって本当に嬉しく思いました。

Last year, we were able to bless the Kesennuma Mother's Home.  It was a great joy to see the children and dedicated workers receive the Yarn Alive goods.  This year we will be reaching a little further - half way across the world in fact! We will be making and sending baby’s goods to the Syrian refugees in Jordan where there is dire need.

今年3月以来、国連難民高等弁務官事務所はヨルダンへのシリアからの難民数が54万人以上に達していると発表しています。難民キャンプでの厳しい生活 を強いられている人々への人道援助として、私たちに何ができるか考え、キャンプ内で生まれている多くの赤ちゃんの衣服を作ることにしました。

Since the beginning of March this year, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have recorded over 540,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan.  With refugee camps come many needs.  One of the needs we felt most capable of fulfilling was to make clothing for hundreds of newborns.


Our goal is to have all items completed by mid November in time to send over to Jordan and distribute as winter sets in. Donations of yarn suitable for baby wear or monetary funds will be greatly welcomed.  Please visit our Donate Page on our website for more information.


So with that in mind, over the following 3 weeks, we will be featuring some of our baby goods to get you inspired for our Christmas project!  But for now, here is a picture of a Syrian refugee newborn receiving one of our blankets.