


Last week, some of the ladies handed in some of their creations that they did not want to keep. Email us if you are interested in purchasing any! All proceeds from sales go towards our building fund!

It's nearly Spring which means SAKURA!

Sakura (Cherry Blossom) is richly symbolic in Japan. Hanami festivals celebrate the beauty of the cherry blossom and for many, are a chance to relax and enjoy the beautiful view. This involves the centuries' old practice of picnicking under a blooming sakura or ume (plum) tree. Here's Yarn Alive's tribute to Sakura:


Next Thursday, Yarn Alive will be sold at Yogen Cafe、Tokyo! Why not check out the new Spring line of necklaces and ruffle scarves that will be available for purchase!

住所:東京都新宿区高田馬場4−2−38宏陽ビル1階 高田馬場


Address: Koyo Building 1F, 4-2-38, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku,Tokyo, 169-0075

Date & Time : March 21, 530-830pm


Remember this unfinished blanket which was kindly donated to us by one of our supporters in England? 英国から来た未完成の膝掛け覚えてますか?  

Unfinished Project

Well it's now finished! とうとう完成です!

Finished crochet square motif


Check out some of the other blankets that were recently created.  These will also be on sale this Saturday at Sano Revival Center, 1-5pm.
