We are so excited to announce that Yarn Alive has been granted permission from Miyagi Prefecture to build a Yarn Alive house in the local area on land that we have rented from the town of Shichigahama. It has taken many months to receive this permission, but Yarn Alive now has the go ahead to build! We are thrilled that not only does Yarn Alive have a permanent home but that we will also provide a community center for the surrounding area. The Yarn Alive House will have a classroom large enough for people to gather together for classes. There will also be a large storeroom for the donated yarn and supplies as well as a lending library of craft books for the growing community of knitters in this town. There will also be a large kitchen to be able to serve tea and host future events.
We have felt the need for a Yarn Alive house for quite some time now. It has been heavy on our hearts that a time would come when the women in Yarn Alive would have to move out of temporary housing and go back to the neighborhoods that they came from before the tsunami. For various reasons, these women had to make new friends these past four years. Although it is exciting that they are finally moving out of temporary housing it does come with side affects. It means that they cannot be together as a group anymore. As we have seen in other areas, isolation, depression and ultimately suicide escalates. We need a central place where we can gather these women and continue to build purpose and life into each one of them.
It will also be wonderful to have all our supplies in one place and to be able to distribute yarn to many more people who want to make things with us to send to other people in need. In the past four years we have seen how our projects of making things for Disaster Relief, Syrian refugees, people in nursing homes, babies in hospitals, hats for school children in Mozambique, etc, has helped our members have a purpose in their lives. We feel like we have received so much from others and now we can give to someone else in need. We really believe that we can have a lot of activities going from this special place. We are also excited of the prospect of extending our vision to other areas of Japan and overseas!
また、毛糸や道具をまとめて保管して、同じ場所からそれらを他の方々に送ったり、作品を編 んで必要のある人々のもとに届けることができれば素晴らしいと思います。この4年間の間に、被災支援のために作品を送ったり、シリアやヨルダンの難民の支 援をしたり、老人施設や病院の新生児への支援、モザンビークの子どもたちのための帽子を贈ったりしてきました。このようなプロジェクトを通して、メンバー のみんなが生き甲斐を見出す手助けとなっています。私たちは国内国外の多くの方々からたくさんのものを受けたからこそ、今度は必要のある方々に何かを捧げ ていくことができるのだと思います。このスペシャルな場所を通して、いろいろな活動を発展させていくことができると信じています。私たちのビジョンを国内 国外にさらに広げることを楽しみにしています!

Now this is where you come in! The land that we have acquired is almost half an acre and the building itself is about 2200 square feet. We need people like you to invest in the long term success of Yarn Alive! Yarn Alive welcomes donations both large and small for this special building. Yarn Alive is now an official entity recognized by the government. We are called IppanShadan Hojin Yarn Alive. If you would like to invest in the Yarn Alive House, please see our bank details below.
We are so thankful for your support over the past four years. We would not be in the place now if it was not for your generosity and encouragement! We hope that you can continue to walk with us as we head into this new and exciting chapter of Yarn Alive!

仙台支店 723
普通口座 4879167
一般社団法人) YARN ALIVE
Bank Name: Mizuho Bank
Swift Code: MHCBJPJT
Branch Address: Ichiban cho 3-1-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken 980-0811 Japan
Branch Number: Sendai Branch 723
Account Number: "hutsu" 4879167
Account Name: Ippan Shadan Hojin Yarn Alive
記号: 18170
番号: 18182018
一般社団法人Yarn Alive
店名八一八 普通口座番号1818208
Japan Post bank
記号: 18170
番号: 18182018
Account Name: Ippan Shadan Hojin Yarn Alive
Deposit from Banks within Japan
Branch: 818
Account Number: "Futsu" 1818208
Make your investment today! いますぐ募金!
For more information, please visit our Building Project Page.