4月15日から毛糸の受け入れを再開します!We are ready to receive yarn donations again!






Good news!

We have had to take a break from receiving yarn from the end of last year due to lack of storage space here at Yarn Alive... but we are ready to receive more yarn again! We were sorry we had to ask you to wait. The warehouse construction is going well, and it will be ready after April 15th.

If you would like to donate yarn, needles and knitting books, please write us at yarnalive@gmail.com. Thank you so much!


(昨日や以前に、「毛糸を送ってくださる際にご注意いただく点」をフェイスブックとブログでお知らせしていましたが、今後は毛糸や編み物に関する物、針や本など。。。未使用のものでなくてもありがたく使わせていただきます。以前のお知らせで嫌な気持ちをされてしまった方がいらっしゃいましたら、心からお詫びいたします。よろしくお願いいたします。We wrote on our FB page and blog before that we cannot receive used yarn. We apologize for the confusion we have caused about this... we are so grateful for any yarn donation that are sent to us, and we could not continue our classes without it. So again, thank you so much for your contribution. )


〒985-0803 宮城県宮城郡七ヶ浜町花渕浜字上清水沢27−2(電話090-6170-1764)



Send to: Yarn Alive House, 27-2 Kamishimizusawa, Hanabuchihama, Shichigahama-cho, Miyaji-gun, Miyaji-Ken. 985-0803 Japan.