Happy new year from Yarn Alive!
We are excited about what 2018 will be.
Some our original members have become too weak to be able to continue, but we are so happy for new women that continue to join us. We would like to thank you again for supporting Yarn Alive through your gifts, donations and encouragements.
ー 熊本の仮設住宅の方々への支援
ー 熊本の「あみあみ会」に毛糸の寄付
ー 仙台赤十字病院NICUへの贈り物
ー 夏とクリスマスのバザー
ー 清楽苑の皆さんへの贈り物、クラス開催
ー 陽光福祉会への贈り物
ー ヤーンアライブハウスを会場に使っていただいてmichiyoさんのクラス開催(山形、岩手など遠くからも参加してくださいました!また、michiyoさんは七ヶ浜をイメージして特別に「セブンビーチショール」をデザインしてくださいました!)
ー オペレーションクリスマスチャイルドを通してフィリピンの子供達への贈り物
ー モロロジー研究所様からのお招きを受け、生駒市で講演会
ー 「オクトパスフォープリーミージャパン」の発足時に250のたこを編んで寄付
ー 東北大学看護学部によるPTSDについての研究に協力(ヤーンアライブが被災者の方々にとってどのように励みになったか、その方法と結果を世界の他の災害地などでも適用することが出来るように)
2017 was another good year for us here at Yarn Alive.
Here is a list of projects we were able to do in 2017:
- donation to people in temporary housing units in Kumamoto
- yarn donation to a knitting class "Ami ami kai" in Kumamoto
- donation to NICU at Sendai Red Cross Hospital
- bazaar in summer and Christmas
- donation and class at Seirakuen
- donation to Yoko Fukushikai
- "michiyo" classes (workshops) at Yarn Alive house. We had people come from Iwate and Yamagata and Sendai to be a part of these classes. Michiyo designed a scarf called "Seven Beach Shawl" especially thinking about our town
Operation Christmas Child project with Samaritans Purse Japan.
speaking invitation from the Morology Institute in Ikoma
made 250 octopi to help launch the octopus for preemie Japan (see link https://www.facebook.com/octopusforpreemiejapan/)
- took part in a survey by Tohoku university on PTSD and how Yarn Alive has helped those who suffered loss in the earthquake and tsunami (they are hoping to implement their research findings in other disaster areas in the world)
We have several new projects planned for 2018; we will be sending blankets for children in an institution in Ikoma, we are in the process of connecting with a project in northern Canada, and we are looking into other places where we can send help and encouragement.