フィリピンへのクリスマスプレゼントのための帽子がどんどん出来上がっています!Beanies for the children in the Phillipines are being made!

毎日の空気もすっかり秋、そして東北では冬を思わせる冷たさが感じられるようになってきました。The air is crisp and it feels more and more like autumn here in Japan. The winter feels closer again in Tohoku where Yarn Alive ladies meet. 

みなさんはいかがお過ごしでしょうか。We hope that all of you are enjoying this season!

街中は最近ハロウィンの飾り付けで盛り上がっているようですが、ヤーンアライブはハロウィンを通り越してクリスマスに心を向けています♪ In Japan, halloween is becoming a big event every year, and the shops are filled with halloween goods everywhere. But here at Yarn Alive, we are looking even beyond hallowed season - Christmas!

以前にもお知らせしましたが、オペレーションクリスマスチャイルドという素敵なプロジェクトとコラボレーションするための帽子がどんどん出来上がっています。As we have announced to all of you before, we are making beanies to send to the children in the Philippines with Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child Project. 

また、日本オフィスにはもうすでにプレゼントの詰まったシューボックスがたくさん届き始めているようですが、この集められた箱のチェックをして発送準備するボランティアを募集しているようです。The Operation Christmas Child's Japan office is probably receving boxes every day now, with each of them full of lovely presents. But these boxes need to be checked individually to make sure that they can be sent off to the children. They will need a lot of help to go through sooooo many boxes!! Feel like you want to give some of your time for this?

仙台にオフィスがありますので、もし「もっとお手伝いしたい!お手伝いすることでフィリピンの子供たちにもっと愛を送りたい!」とムズムズしている仙台近辺に住んでいる方々、チャンスです!The office is in Sendai, close to Shichigahama where Yarn Alive is. So if any of you reading this want to love these children in the Philippines more by going through these presents and getting them ready to be sent off, here is your chance!

詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。Click here for more information!

毛糸のご寄付の受け入れをお休みします We are going to take a break from receiving more yarn for a little while

夏の終わりから再開していました毛糸など寄付品の受け入れですが、おかげさまでたくさんの方々が送ってくださいました。We have been receiving many boxes of yarn from many of you since the end of the summer again. Thank you so much!!

只今、たくさんの箱の整理と毛糸の保管が間に合わないという嬉しい状況となっています。本当にありがとうございます。We have received so much that now we will need to ask you to wait to send yarn at this point until we sort through what we have received so far. We are so thankful!

勝手なお願いで申し訳ないのですが、ここでもう一度毛糸のご寄付の受け入れをストップします。すでにご連絡くださっていた方々を除き、しばらく発送をお待ちください。So until further notice, we ask you to wait to send any more boxes. 

ご理解ご協力よろしくお願いいたします。いただいた毛糸を使うのがとても楽しみでワクワクしています。Thank you for your support always! We are excited to use what you have sent us!

ただいま次なるプロジェクト準備中!フィリピンの子どもたちにクリスマスプレゼントを! Let's send Christmas presents to the children in the Phillipines! (We are knitting beanies!!)

毎日だいぶ涼しくなって過ごしやすくなりましたね〜みなさんもこの季節を楽しんでますか? We've been enjoying this cooler weather here in Japan. It's a beautiful season. We hope you are enjoying the autumn as well!

ヤーンアライブではクリスマスに向けて次なるプロジェクトの準備に忙しくしています!今年はオペレーションクリスマスチャイルドというステキなプロジェクトとコラボさせていただいて、フィリピンの子どもたちに毛糸の帽子を贈ることになりました。Yarn Alive is getting busy for our next project at Christmas! We are going to partner with Operation Christmas Child this year to send knitted beanies to the children in the Phillipines! 

そこで、編み物ラバーズのみなさんにぜひご協力をお願いします!もし「わたしも一緒にフィリピンの子どもたちに帽子を送りたい!」と思ってくださる方がいらっしゃいましたら、完成した帽子をヤーンアライブまでお送りください。大切にフィリピンの子どもたちに届けられるようにします! Sound like a lovely project? Here is how you can be a part too! If you love knitting too, and you would like to make some beanies/hats yourself for the children, you cant send them to us and we will make sure they will reach the children in the Phillipines, who are going to be so excited to receive them. 

募集する帽子の詳細は以下の通りです Here are a few things we would like to ask you as you start knitting:

☆帽子の行き先フィリピンは年中亜熱帯だそうです。なので、あまり暑すぎない素材のものでファッション的に使えるものが喜ばれます。It's hot all year around in the Phillipines! So please use yarn that would not be too hot to wear on their heads if you can! They will be used more as fashion than keeping warm : )

☆男の子用、女の子用(または男女兼用)と明記して「9歳児くらいのサイズ」と「14歳児くらいのサイズ」を目安に2サイズのうちどちらかで制作してください。Please let us know if your items are for boys or girls, or unisex. Please choose either 9year-old size or 14year-old size. 

☆スタイル、デザインはおまかせします!ただ、一人ずつ箱に入れてプレゼントを詰めるので、あまりかさばりすぎないデザインだと助かります。You can use whatever pattern or design you like! But please remember that each hat will be put into a shoebox, so something that's easy to pack with other goodies would be great. (No pompoms or other big attachments)

☆帽子はいくつでもとても感謝です。一つでも、20でも!ご協力をありがとうございます。You can send just one or however many you make. We would be so excited and happy for your contribution!

☆送ってくださる際、荷物の外側の見やすいところに「OCC」と大きく書いてください。毛糸などの寄付と区別するのに助かります。Please mark the box (or bag, whatever you use to send them) "OCC" big and clear so we know they are hats/beanies for OCC. This will help us sort through our boxes that we receive. Thank you!

☆締め切りは11月17日でお願いします。Please send them by November 17th. 


〒985-0803宮城県宮城郡七ヶ浜町花渕浜#36 TBC ヤーンアライブ(電話090-6170-1764)

Please send them to: Yarn Alive #36 TBC, Hanabuchihama, Shichigahama, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi-ken. 985-0803 Japan.


たくさんの帽子を通してたくさんの愛が届きますように。。。♡ May these knitted hats reach the children's hearts, making them feel so loved…!

東京スピニングパーティーにてヤーンアライヴの作品に出会えます!Yarn Alive items at Tokyo Spinning Party

すっかり秋になりました。シルバーウィーク、嬉しい響きだな〜と思ってますが、みなさん、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? We are loving this autumn season here! We have a long weekend in Japan this year called "Silver Week" (we have a break called "Golden Week" in May too), and a lot of people are off from school and work this Monday to Wednesday. Yay! 

ブログでのお知らせが直前になってしまいましたが、今週末に開催される東京スピニングパーティーにてヤーンアライブの作品に出会えます! Anyway, I apologize for the last minute notice on the blog, but you can find Yarn Alive items at a big event called "Tokyo Spinning Party" this weekend in Tokyo. (see link here)

以前からヤーンアライブを応援してくださっているアーティストの森るるさんが、なんとご自身のブースで私たちの作品を販売してくださるというのです。なんて素敵♡なんてありがたい♡How did we get into this? Well, a popular art yarn artist Ruru Mori is going to have our items at her own booth at this event. 

るるさん、本当にありがとうございます。We are excited and so thankful for her help and support this way! 

ヤーンアライブのことをご自身のブログにも書いてくださっています。She's written about us again in her own blog too. 

るるさんのブログはこちら。If you are able to read Japanese, click here

東京方面の方、機会があればぜひ足を運んでみてください。ちなみに、とっても大人気でとっても混雑することが予想されているようです。 So if you are in the Tokyo area this weekend, and you are interested, visit this event! They are expecting a lot of people so it'll be very crowded but fun for sure! 

毛糸の受け入れを再開します!We are ready to receive yarn again!



毛糸などのご寄付の送り先:宮城県宮城郡七ヶ浜町花渕浜#36 TBC ヤーンアライブ



It's September from tomorrow! We are looking forward to this autumn season. 

Many of you had contacted us about sending more yarn and you have been waiting to send them to us while we were getting the Yarn Alive House ready - now we are good to start receiving them again! 

Please ship to

Yarn Alive, #36 TBC, Hanabuchihama, Shichigahama-cho, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi ken. 

Thank you so much!

ヤーンアライブハウスが完成しました!Yarn Alive House has been completed!

みなさまのご支援とご協力のもと建設を進めてまいりましたヤーンアライブハウス。この夏完成し、先週はオープニングを祝うことができました!!!心から感謝します!With support and help from all of you, Yarn Alive House had been under construction as planned - and this summer, it's been completed! Thank you so so much! We had a opening celebration last week! 

オープニングには七ヶ浜町の渡辺町長さまもお越しくださり、お祝いのお言葉をくださいました。ヤーンアライブのフェイスブックのページにその動画をアップしていますのでぜひご覧ください。The Mayor of Shichigahama, Mr. Watanabe came to congratulate us on our new building and our new start. Please be sure to check our Facebook page for the speech and for more photos!

これからも七ヶ浜をはじめいろいろな地域のみなさまに笑顔と愛をお届けすることができるよう活動を続けてまいります。We hope to continue to deliver more smiles and love to the people of Shichigahama as well as all over the world!

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国際ジャーナリスト木村正人さんが取材に来てくださいました!Interview by international journalist Mr.Kimura




It has been a very hot summer so far for us here in Shichigahama! I hope you are all enjoying the season. 

Even in hot weather, we continue to knit! Last week, Mr. Masato Kimura, international journalist based in London, came to interview us. Thank you so much for coming! Here is the link for the article he wrote about us. 





A big, big thank you to Christina from all of us!! みんなからクリスティナに心からのありがとう!

It’s been a little while since we’ve posted something here - we’ve been in a bit of a transition! The building project is in progress, and we’re getting ready for it to be finished to start another new chapter for us here at Yarn Alive!


All of you have enjoyed our beautiful pictures on our website and other sites, and many of you may have wondered who the talented person behind the camera is? Christina Sawka has been helping us from the beginning, in fact, she experienced the 3/11earthquake herself right here at Shichigahama. She watched the waves come in to flood the whole area on that tragic day, and she has since witnessed and recorded the recovery process of our town. She has helped us deliver knitted items to those who needed them in our area and taken photos.


Delivering knitted items for babies at the Red Cross Hospital in Sendai 仙台市の日赤病院のNICU病棟の赤ちゃんたちに編んだ帽子などを届けたときの様子

Delivering knitted items for babies at the Red Cross Hospital in Sendai 


About 2 years ago, Christina officially came on as staff, and this cool website you’re looking at is also the result of her work! She has put into place a great foundation for Yarn Alive so we can be organised and expand! She has helped us build the image of Yarn Alive, as well as with our publicity. We couldn’t have come this far without her!


Christina also helped us organise stocks and items as well as our systems!クリスティーナはこんなふうに毛糸などの在庫や作品を整理したり、ファイルやいろいろなシステムを管理したりしてくれました!

Christina also helped us organise stocks and items as well as our systems!


Early summer, Christina has decided it’s time for her to move on. She will be greatly missed by all of us, but we would like to say a big THANK YOU! for all the work and creativity she has put into Yarn Alive!! We will cheer her on as she and her husband go on to the next adventure in their life!


Go check out her website too! You can see more of her work here.


Photo taken by Christina right after the earthquake in 20112011年の震災直後にクリスティーナが撮った七ヶ浜のビーチの写真

Photo taken by Christina right after the earthquake in 2011


ネパールプロジェクトの写真 Photos from our Nepal project





Yarn Alive was started after the 2011 earthquake in Tohoku, Japan. We have received so much support and love from so many people all over the world - so we have always wanted to give back to the people around the world what we have received. 

After the big earthquake that happened in Nepal at the end of April, we decided to donate some knitted hats to the people in Nepal. This time again, Samaritan's purse, who has partnered with us for our Mozambique project, helped us deliver them. We are so happy we were able to help in some way. Also, thank you to those of you who joined us and helped us in this project!  

We hear that there is still much need in Nepal.

Ayako Lawrence of Samaritan's Purse transported these from Japan to Nepal, and the staff in Nepal delivered them to these precious people!